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Filemail Desktop machine-wide installation
Filemail Desktop machine-wide installation

This article describes how you can install Filemail Desktop machine-wide / server-wide for all users.

Updated over 2 months ago

We have created a special MSI installer for machine-wide installation of Filemail Desktop. Please follow this guide as it has a few important steps that cannot be skipped. When installed, it will also auto update the application to future releases.

Download MSI installer

Download the MSI installer from

Uninstall any other Filemail Desktop version

To successfully install the machine-wide version of Filemail Desktop, you need to uninstall any older version of Filemail Desktop from the machine.

To be sure that all traces of the app is removed, go to your users AppData\Local folder


From this directory, make sure to delete any sub-folder named filemail-desktop or filemail_desktop.

πŸ’‘ Tip - In case you have many users on the machine, you need to delete it for all users, so you can run this Powershell Script in order to do so:


# Define the folder name to delete 
$folderName = "filemail_desktop"

# Get the list of user profile directories
$userProfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users" -Directory

foreach ($profile in $userProfiles) {
$appDataLocalPath = Join-Path -Path $profile.FullName -ChildPath "AppData\Local\$folderName"

if (Test-Path -Path $appDataLocalPath)
try {
# Remove the directory and its contents
Remove-Item -Path $appDataLocalPath -Recurse -Force
Write-Host "Deleted folder: $appDataLocalPath"
} catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to delete folder: $appDataLocalPath.Error: $_"
} else {
Write-Host "Folder not found: $appDataLocalPath"


Now install the downloaded MSI file and wait for it to finish (it will not confirm that it finishes, but inside "Installed Apps" you will now see a Filemail Desktop Deployment Tool:

Now you can restart the machine and for any user that logs into the machine, the Filemail Desktop application will be installed the first time they sign in to windows. Installation happens quietly in the background.

Your users are now ready to use Filemail Desktop and each have their individual settings.


If any user wish to uninstall the application, it simply do so in a normal fashion and the app won't reinstall again. If you want to reinstall the app for this user you need to again remove 'filemail_desktop' folder from users AppData\Local folder. To prevent reinstalling the app for all users remove Filemail Desktop Deployment Tool so that the app does not automatically reinstall in the future.

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