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Filemail Desktop Autodownloader
Filemail Desktop Autodownloader

Learn how to use and configure the Autodownloader (included in Filemail Desktop) and automatically download anything you receive.

Updated over 2 months ago

Configuration options

Download location

This option consits of two values:

  • Custom download folder where the automatically downloaded files will be put, e.g.: C:\Users\Joe\Documents\mydownloads or /home/joe/mydownloads.

  • Optional folder structure (inside the download folder) for organizing your automatically downloaded files. This value supports placeholders, that are resolved for every transfer at the time of the download operation. Supported placeholders:

    • <id> - id of the transfer e.g. qweasdzxcasdqwe

    • <domain> - the domain of the sender email e.g. when sender is the domain is

    • <subject[:length]> - subject of the transfer trimmed to length characters or to 60 characters if length was not specified. Negative length values are supported (then we'll use a substring from the end of a string). E.g.:

      • <subject> --> takes first 60 chars of the subject

      • <subject:10> --> takes first 10 chars of the subject

      • <subject:-20> --> takes last 20 chars of the subject

    • <description[:length]> - description (message) of the transfer trimmed to length (optional) or to 60 characters if length was not specified. See subject explanation above for examples with custom length.

    • <emailfrom> - full email of the sender e.g.

    • <emailto[:length]> - comma-separated list of all recipient emails trimmed to length characters or to 60 characters if length was not specified

      • Example: <emailto> -->,

    • <datesent[:format]> - date when the transfer was sent

      • The format part is optional. Default is YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm

      • format part supports following tokens: YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm

      • hh is formatted in 24-hour mode

      • The entire date is formatted in local time (based on current computer OS settings).

      • If you use any reserved characters in the format value they will be replaced with a dash -

      • Examples:

        • <datesent> --> 2023-11-28-23-59

        • <datesent:mydate-YYYY-MM-dd> --> mydate-2023-11-28

        • <datesent:YYYY-MM-dd at hh-mm> --> 2023-05-08 at 06:06

    • Any custom field label belonging to any of company's incoming pages (configured under Settings - Filemail).

      • To include a custom field named Order ID use <Order ID> as the placholder.

      • All custom field labels placeholders support length attribute for trimming.

      • Example: <Order ID:20>

      • See description of subject above for more details around trimming.

⚠️ Note: all placeholders and date tokens are case sensitive.

⚠️ Note: if there are some unresolved placeholders (some transfer fields are optional, including custom fields) they will be resolved. Example: when transfer is sent without a message then <message> placeholder will be resolved to [missing_message].

⚠️ Keep in mind that < and > are reserved characters on Windows and cannot be part of a file path.

📢 Tip for Windows users: in general avoid using reserved path characters: <>:"/|? in the folder path and in the dates' format part.

Complete example:

  • download folder C:\mydownloads

  • folder structure <datesent:YYYY-MM>\<datesent:DD>\<subject:20>

  • a transfer where

    • subject is Acme marketing campaing - photos (more than 20 characters)

    • sent date is 2023.10.23 07:24

  • will be downloaded to C:\mydownloads\2023-10\23\Acme marketing campa\

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